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0354-3893169 xianmjz@163.com

Chateau XianMiao is located in Zuoquan county Jinzhong city, Shanxi Province -- the western of Taihang mountain, Zuoquan Lake grape-producing region is the first professional ice wine winery in Taihang mountain. The company bring in the Canadian Vidal grape variety, and according to the international standards of planting, brewing, to create an integrated ice wine cultural ecological park with grape planting, grape picking, ice wine brewing, ecological tourism and cultural communication.

Chateau XianMiao is located in the western Taihang Mountain, secluded valley beside Zuoquan Lake, 150km away from Taiyuan, Shanxi province. The great location is in golden grape-planting zone, 37 degrees of north latitude. The main buildings of the winery with magnificent western style are beside of the beautiful Zuoquan Lake. It is the amazing gift like a piece of jade inlaid in the winery. 500 acres Vidal vineyard is planted around the lake, gentle slope facing the sun, like pearls coiled on the lake.  Sun shines over the valley, gently moistens every acres of the vineyard.

Taihang Icewine town is located in Zuo Quan county, affiliated to Jinzhong city, Shanxi province. Jinzhong city is the hometown of Shanxi Merchants, whom have created splendid achievements in the history of the development of Chinese economy. The flourish Shanxi Merchants’business has been lasting for 600 years, its influence is also worldwide. In the eyes of Western scholars, Shanxi Merchants should be evaluated as the same height as the Jewish Merchants.
      Taihang Icewine town covers an area of more than 3000 acres, the construction area of 11400 square meters, sits in the south of Zuoquan Lake, surrounding by vineyards and beautiful natural scenery with fresh and pleasant air, which is richly endowed by nature geographical position.


Redefining the Purity of Ice Wine


COMPANY: Chateau XianMiao      TEL:0354-3893169      EMAIL:xianmjz@163.com

WEB: www.xianmiaojiuzhuang.com      ADD: Zuoquan county, Jinzhong city, Shanxi


All rights reserved:Chateau XianMiao   Registration no.:晋ICP备14008965号-1 

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